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7 Changes In The Body You’ll Notice After You Lose Your Vírginity

7 Changes In The Body You’ll Notice After You Lose Your Vírginity

The concept of virginity is more complex in society than in nature. It refers to someone who has not had any séxual relationships. Losing one’s vírginity means having *** with another person, which can have social, emotional, and physical effects, especially on a woman’s body.

Changes In The Body You’ll Notice After You Lose Your Vírginity

Having séx releases hormones like endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, which reduce stress and contribute to happy feelings and bonding with the partner. It can also make breasts firmer and more sensitive, and the vágina more flexible and pleasurable.

The clitoris and uterus become more instinctive and responsive, and *** can even improve skin health.

However, losing vírginity can also cause delayed periods due to hormonal changes.

Overall, the idea of vírginity is more socially constructed than biologically significant. 
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2023-04-09 07:24:09 this Article 7 Changes In The Body You’ll Notice After You Lose Your Vírginity was published on

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